1986. 05
Company Established
1995. 05
Established Factory in Korea (Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do)
2004. 02
Established Factory in Dongguan, China
2004. 07
Installed G/T Holder, G/T ASS'Y Line
2004. 08
Certified ISO 9001:2000
2005. 04
Registered as Parts and Materials Company to MOTIE
2005. 10
Certified SONY GP / Samsung Green Partner
2005. 11
Started Spacer, Ring Production (SAMSUNG, LENS)
2008. 01
Started VCA Production
2009. 07
Started Blade ASS'Y Production for Pick Up
2009. 10
Started LBP Motor ASS’Y Production
2009. 11
Certified ISO14001:2004
2011. 03
Changed Company Name to "SL HITECH"
2011. 07
Started Aluminum Mirror Production (for Polygon Motor)
2014. 11
Installed Additional SMT Lines
2015. 03
Developed Fluid Dynamic Bearing (for Polygon Motor)
2016. 03
Installed Additional Aluminum Mirror Machining Lines
2017. 10
Developed and Produced Hall Sensorless Polygon Motors
2018. 12
Developed High Speed (RPM) Polygon Motors
2020. 01
Started to Develop Automotive Components